PH: 0403 196 885
We are a small wholesale and retail nursery that commenced operation in January 2000. Our aim is to produce good quality plants at affordable prices and provide excellent old fashioned service.
Our nursery expanded in 2020 with the addition of indoor pots, outdoor pots, birdbaths, fountains, ponds and indoor plants.
We have two horticulturists on our premises and are more than happy to assist with garden design and horticultural advice.
What we don't have we can either grow or order in with no minimum order required.
We believe that our nursery still has that 'personal service' that is missing with many of the big chain stores.
Meet The Team
Pat Rearden
Peter Rearden
Ivan Duncalfe
Eileen Duncalfe
Dave Garvie
Pat has always loved the garden, having grown up in lovely gardens in both England and Australia.
After finishing her Advanced Certificate in Urban Horticulture Pat started Mt. Dyrring Wholesale Nursery in January 2000.
Pat has designed many gardens some having won garden competitions and designed the Singleton Hospital Memorial Garden.
She has extensive knowledge of which plants to grow where in our region.
Peter is both the business partner and Husband to Pat.
Peter excels in all the building, drainage, irrigation, fix everything etc.
Pat gets the ideas and Pete makes them come to life.
Ivan has had a love of gardening for a majority of his life. He has designed many gardens with his own unique flair.
He has a passion for propagation and truly excels in this field.
He is still the fastest potter but his title is always being contested.
Eileen is our quality control expert. She can spot a bug at 100 yards. She has an eye for detail and makes all our nursery display cards. Sweeping is her passion and having the nursery in tip top shape is her goal.
Eileen is often serving at the counter and there to meet and greet our customers.
Ros has a Certificate IV in Horticulture. She has owned both wholesale and retail nurseries in Sydney and the Hunter. Most recently, she worked in a Tamworth Retail nursery for the last 10 years. Rosalind moved back to the Hunter Valley in 2021 and has been working at Mt Dyrring nursery since her return. Ros offers home consultancy visits, rose pruning and horticultural advice.
Dave is a qualified tree Arborist. He owned Garvie Gardening and Garvie Tree Service until 2006.
Dave has been a volunteer at our nursery for many years. He offers tree advice but his main duties include potting plants, having a chat and drinking coffee.